Просмотр полной версии : G-Alarm v1.1

03.01.2009, 12:08
G-Alarm - это бесплатный будильник для вашего коммуникатора,кпк или смартфона

Главная особенность этого будильника:
Чтобы его выключить Вам необходимо провести шарик по простенькому лабиринту.

-Define unlimited alarms with many options (see screenshots)
-complete maze before you can snooze or stop the alarm
-play as many mp3/wav/wma files on each alarm as you want
-VGA and QVGA support
-Some more, but too lazy now...

G-Alarm todo list
-Design more mazes
-User guide
-If the device is powered on, G-Alarm should not play an alarm which was set for the past
-New alarm type: set an alarm from a specific date to a specific date
-Play alarm over phone speaker even if headset is connected
-Tilt sensor should be deactivated during vibration
-Select whole subdirectories when adding files to the playlist
-Better support for landscape mode
-Export/import settings
-Launch an executable file instead of playing music files

G-Alarm Changelog

1.1 (2009/01/02)
[ADDED] DPad control: left > delete, right > test, center button > edit selected alarm
[UPDATED] Today plugin (no more bugs, dpad support)
[FIXED] Bug with Omnia`s tilt sensor (Please test and tell me, if it works)
[FIXED] Display doesn't get on when an alarm goes off (Please test and tell me, if it works)
[FIXED] G-Alarm crashes when it can't play the playlist (Please test and tell me, if it works)
[FIXED] Not translated alarm screen items
[FIXED] Some bugs
[UPDATED] Languages: finnish, norwegian, turkish, italian, dutch, hungarian, french, czech, russian, swedish

Системные требования: WM2003 - WM6.1
Разрешение экрана: Все разрешения
Тип установки: CAB

G-Alarm v1.1 (http://litoli.com/dl/angelina/soft/galarm_1.1.rar)