Просмотр полной версии : PointUI Home v2.0(Build 2.0.28b)
17.03.2009, 16:31
Шустрый пальцеориентированный интерфейс под Windows Mobile все-таки существует! Имя ему - PointUI.
Программа требудет 1.5-3 мегабайта свободной оперативной памяти, что довольно таки много для устройств с VGA-экранами и 64Mb RAM. Хотя, в любом случае, чтобы установить программу на VGA-устройство и заставить корректно работать потребуется приложить некие усилия. Как и для того, чтобы установить ее не на коммуникатор.Но все это меркнет в сравнении с удобством интерфейса, скоростью работы и оригинальностью интерфейса. Не то, чтобы он действительно был оригинален, но автор умудрился собрать все лучшее, что было в идеях Apple, Microsoft и HTC.
Да, и еще: программа абсолютно бесплатна, так что пользователи WWE-прошивок , у которых еще и все контакты записаны латиницей, могут скачивать и ставить ее уже сейчас.
Русского для данной версии нет!
Системные требования: WM5 - WM6
Дополнительные требования: Нет данных
Разрешение экрана: Все разрешения
Тип установки: CAB
Приложения, моды, иконки (http://community.pointui.com/topic/applets-the-applets-store)
Темы (http://community.pointui.com/topic/themes-the-themes-store)
В архиве:
Sony Ericsson Xperia Panel
Tinted Theme(VGA/WVGA)
PointUI Home v2.0(Build 2.0.28b) (http://litoli.com/dl/angelina/soft/PointUIHomev2_0.rar)
Ого! Оболочка на французском? Гламурно.
17.03.2009, 16:51
Это только скрин. Она английская.
На WVGA смотрится ужасно, кнопки посреди экрана :(
Ладно русификации нет, так еще и поддержки юникода нет, а учить ради программы кракозябры что-то лень. В общем, как всегда, идея хорошая - реализация никудышная.
17.03.2009, 22:03
Да юникода нет только в данной версии.
16.04.2009, 21:35
1 Build 2.0.30b
1.1 Variable Sized Applets
1.2 Unicode Support
1.3 Themes: Horizontal Signal and Battery Indicators
1.4 Scripting: Support for Pointers
1.5 Scripting: Gps Class (Pro only)
1.6 Scripting: DateTime Class Improvements
1.7 Scripting: 'null' Support
1.8 Scripting: File Class Improvements
PointUIHomev2_0 (http://litoli.com/dl/angelina/soft/PointUIHomev2_0(Build2_0_30b)Free.rar)
13.06.2009, 08:41
PointUI Home v2.0(Build 2.1.00)
Build 2.1
Released: June 2009
The 2.1 release has once again included a lot of script updates, quite a few bug fixes, and some key improvements in battery life and reduced memory usage.
Changes, Fixes, Enhancements
[COMPLETE] Customize option to change behavior of click/click-hold on favorite contacts so a click can show the contact card instead of immediately dial
[COMPLETE] Support for HW keyboard on activation screen
[COMPLETE] Update applets to support variable sizing - particularly important for 320x320 screens because they are currently left aligned
[COMPLETE] Support for restricting appointments to a single item (appointments, tasks) - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/get-a-specific-appointment-scripting-question
[COMPLETE] Script: Task object
[COMPLETE] Script: Appointment object
[COMPLETE] Script: for() statement support
[COMPLETE] Call History Problem - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/problem-with-call-history
[COMPLETE] BUG: onscreen keyboard not remaining visible - this bug may occur on the Omnia, so try replicate on that - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/bug-v2028b-full-screen-mode-hides-software-keyboard
[COMPLETE] BUG: Allow applets to change the app background using SetBackground - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/automatic-screen-orientation-detection#post-17865
[COMPLETE] Displaying script errors within Home to make debugging easier
[COMPLETE] Bug: Certain languages not working for writing/reading files - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/bug-east-asian-language
[COMPLETE] Bug: floating point operations in script causing crashes
[COMPLETE] Stopwatch applet
[COMPLETE Applet.ShowApplet() to allow applets to focus other applets - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/home2pro-smooth-feel-and-flow-or-bumpy-conglomerate#post-16168
[COULDN'T REPLICATE] Bug: Try replicate this problem with operator name not having reg notification fire - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/notifications-not-notifying
[COMPLETE] BUG: toolbar icons not adjusting on screens like fav apps on screen orientation - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/home2-pro-v2032-feedbacks-here/page/5#post-18215
[COMPLETE] Soft key support on X1 - Sony has done something odd for some reason - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/xperia-x1-hardware-button-with-pointui-home-2
[COMPLETE] Bug: Power consumption too large when focused app - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/worst-power-management-ever#post-19222
[COMPLETE] Increase GDI font size a bit
[COMPLETE] Area of primary nav buttons still clickable even though not visible when full screen applet showing - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/prolem-with-applet-sliding-in-landscape#post-16164
[COMPLETE] Ability to run on non-phone pdas - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/support-for-pdas-other-new-devices
[COMPLETE] Add into scripting support for backlight - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/request
[COMPLETE] New type of list item - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/request-enhancement-to-listscreen#post-16165
[COMPLETE] Separator between list items - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/request-separator-between-list-items
[COMPLETE] Attempt to fix notifications not being shown on certain devices - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/notifications-not-working
[COMPLETE] Efficient way to retrieve categories for appointments and tasks (and contacts?) - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/retrieve-all-appointments-categories
[COMPLETE] Investigate why control panel applets not categorized properly - can use Omnia as test case
[COMPLETE] Fix problem with mms links - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/support-bookmarks-links-internet-explorer-radio-stream
[COMPLETE] Allow notes of tasks and appointments to be accessed - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/request-get-task-notes
[COMPLETE] Customization Option - Delayed start up - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/delayed-start-up
[COMPLETE] Improve efficiency of "using" to allow better organization of script code - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/scripting-suggestion-multiple-cs-file-and-class-inheritance
[COMPLETE] Some terms not translatable - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/home2-pro-v2032-feedbacks-here/page/2
[COMPLETE] BUG: DateTime value in xml not handling 12am correctly - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/bug-xmlnode-getsetchildvalue-datetime-result-not-working-properly
[COMPLETE] Script: ability to strip html tags, ToLower, ToUpper - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/html-parser
[COMPLETE] BUG: SMS contacts on Omnia freezing device
Pro Specific Changes
[COMPLETE] Contact card reorganization
[COMPLETE] Separating out all of the application scripts into files to make customization easier
[COMPLETE] Improve copy protection
[COMPLETE] BUG: Haptic feedback not working on Omnia.
[COMPLETE] Folders available on Quick Launch
[COMPLETE] Slide left delay on applets - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/problem-with-pro-version-on-i910-omnia-verizon/page/2#post-17221
[COMPLETE] Sqlite database support
[COMPLETE] Ensure all controls are removed from full screen applets including indicator counts, and check the "freeze" issue - see http://community.pointui.com/topic/fullscreen-applets-bugs
Системные требования: WM5 - WM6.1
Дополнительные требования: Нет данных
Разрешение экрана: Все разрешения
Тип установки: CAB
PointUI Home v2.0(Build 2.1.00) (http://litoli.com/dl/angelina/soft/pointui.home2.qvga.wqvga.free.latest.build-2.1.00.rar)
тут на картинке между 4 кнопками я часами еще есть мелкие иконки (часы и др.) это отдельный модуль? как установить?
16.06.2009, 20:12
Рекомендую читать 1 пост темы.
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